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Penalized in Google?
Unwinding Google Penalties

Penalty For Unnatural Outbound Links

Google is now messaging sites that have been flagged for unnatural OUTBOUND links.  This means they suspect you of either selling links, or are attempting to optimize other sites (possibly owned by you) using inappropriate linking.

The fix is to make the links nofollow, or to remove them.

Webmaster Tools sent you the following important messages about sites in your
account. To keep your site healthy, we recommend regularly reviewing these messages
and addressing any critical issues. Unnatural outbound links

Google has detected a pattern of artificial or unnatural links on this site. Selling
links or participating in link schemes in order to manipulate PageRank is a
violation of Google's Webmaster Guidelines.
As a result of unnatural links from your site, Google has applied a manual spam
action to There may be other actions on your site or parts of your

Recommended action
        * Identify paid or otherwise inorganic links by using rel="nofollow" or redirecting
to an intermediate page that is blocked by robots.txt.
        * Remove any problematic links from your site.
        * When you're satisfied that your site follows Google's Webmaster Guidelines,
submit a reconsideration request.
        * For an updated list of manual actions currently applied to your site, visit the
Manual Actions page. If no manual actions are listed, there is no longer a need to
file a reconsideration request.
If we determine your site is no longer in violation of our guidelines, we'll revoke
the manual action.
If you have any questions about how to resolve this issue, please visit the
Webmaster Help Forum.

contact Bob